For the life of me I can't explain why, but this is one of my favorite spreads. I think some of it has to do with the fact that I did the spread in red and black, my signature colors and I have to say, the whole "Rated R Superstar" and "Sex and Violence" gimmicks are alot of fun to do.
The "Sex & Violence" logo that I did was all done freehand. It was NOT easy at all. I had the t-shirt spread out on the kitchen table as I tried over and over again to reproduce the image. Maybe next time I'll just take it to the local copy store and shrink it down and trace it!
I was so excited because not long after I finished the spread I found out that he was doing an autograph signing in Toronto and we were going to go. The signing ended up turning into him throwing out the pitch at the Jays game.
As my friends and I aren't big baseball fans, we stuck around a little to watch him throw out the pitch, get some nice pictures then decided to leave. As luck would have it, as we're heading to the elevator, who do we bump guessed it, EDGE! How funny is that!
I did end up getting the page signed, but all he had was a black sharpie (poor planning on my part) so he signed it and when I got home I traced around the signature with a gold pen. It gave a really cool effect.
A few months later "Rated RKO" came to a mall less then 10 miles from where I live. Well I certainly wasn't going to let that opporunity pass by, so I had him resign the page in silver. The Rated RKO signing brings me to my biggest spread to date...Randy Orton...
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